ETMOOC Anniversary


As we come upon the anniversary of #ETMOOC I think it is timely that my second blog post reflect upon the impact that #ETMOOC had upon me on a personal and professional level. Don’t let the fact that this is only my second blog post be considered a failure to engage me in this medium. My growth cannot be measured by the number of blog entries I have made since #ETMOOC.

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Writing my first blog post required a tremendous amount of trust and a big “leap of faith” on my part. For personal reasons, I found it difficult to put my voice out there for all the “hear”. However, the momentum that occurred as a result of #ETMOOC encouraged the development of my blog and my online presence. I still struggle with the voice in my head that loudly tells me that there are stronger, smarter and better posts out there for people to engage in and learn from. BUT I will persevere and continue to publish, if for no one elses learning but my own. My second post and the anniversary of #ETMOOC is an opportunity to reflect, learn and grow.

As a result of #ETMOOC I have certainly become a more connected learner and leader and I rely upon my PLN for many aspects of my professional growth. The idea of sharing my learning, no longer working in isolation and most importantly asking for help and feedback from my PLN  have been of the biggest areas of my growth in the year since #ETMOOC.

Since ETMOOC I decided to facilitate a MOOC for Superior-Greenstone District School Board.  A year ago I would have had no idea what a MOOC was or understood the opportunities it presents to participants. The #SGDSBMOOC allows us to be more connected in our geographically vast Board, it allows us to share our strengths as professionals in the area of technology and most importantly we are taking control of our own self-directed PD. As educators we are held to a Standards of Practice as outlined by the Ontario College of Teachers. We need to model for our students and our school communities that we are committed to life-long learning and a MOOC provides us with the opportunity to learn more about our interests in a flexible environment. It is a direct result of the ETMOOC experience that I have undertaken the #SGDSBMOOC for improving teacher access to and understanding of digital resources.

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Thanx to Steve Wilson (@GeraldtonSteve) and some quick wordpress PD, I have added resources to the blog that assists me in organzing all the items I have favourited on Twitter in the past year. It also allows me to organize and share resources that I have created. I hope that others may find some use for them as well. My sense of enthusiasm and ownership for this little blog has be re-ignited thanx to Steve’s quick PD session.

My blog may not have frequent blog posts, but it is a respository for the things that I have found of value from members of my PLN and I hope that you will find them useful as well. I find my voice in the collection of links, quotes and artifacts that mean something to me.I followed with interest a debate/discussion that Brandon Grasley  (@BGrasley) had regarding his Twitter account and the issue of maintaining seperate accounts for seperate audiences. I have debated the diverse range of topics on this site, but for now I have decided that for ease of management and to get a true sense of who I am I have included the topics that are of interest to me. This blog, in this format, is truly representative of me.

As with all good things, the blog is organic and will change as I grow. Perhaps I will decide that the recipes should share no space with my professional resources. New categories might also be added as I continue to have more personal and professional opportunities. For now the blog will be a repository for my resources, ideas and musings and will be as dynamic as my experiences.

I do thank, my mentor and friend, Donna Fry (@DonnaMIllerFry) for inviting me to join the #ETMOOC last year and for seeing in me things that I have failed to see for myself. As I am sure she has done for many of you as well, she has inspired me on many professional and prsonal levels and put me on a course of learning that I had never considered before and opened up my world and PLN in ways to immeasurable to describe.

#ETMOOC gave me and many others a voice. It also connected us as learners and leaders. Well past the anniversary, #ETMOCC will continue to inspire, motivate and connect educators in ways that will expand our classrooms and engage our students in untold ways.

                “The smartest person in the room, is the room.”-David Weiberger