So, I’m back to learning in a MOOC, or is this an UNMOOC, I guess it does not really matter. What really matters is how much I learn when I learn with this band of people. My journey with them started with #ETMOOC. Yes, this is how I learn better. And now Dave Cormier is joining us to learn about Rhizomatic learning . I blogged about how Dealing with uncertainty and chaos helped solve some dilemmas. Solve? Well, start thinking about different ways to approach dilemmas and challenges in learning.

This is his introductory video:

1. Introduce yourself, follow one of the threads of discussion somewhere. Comment on someone’s work. Get acclimated. (done in the Google community and got great interactions with participants, another reason why i learn better with this band)
2. Week 1 Challenge – Use cheating as a weapon. How can you use the idea of cheating as a tool to take apart the structures that you work in? What does it say about learning? About power? About how you see teaching?

3. Bonus – Do lots of rhizomatic teaching? Tell us about it

Cheating as a weapon to learn?
When I was in High School and even College I felt cheating was forbidden by the rules imposed by the system. Therefore, I felt very guilty every time I cheated, which indeed I did. How can someone not cheat if we cannot learn according to the system imposed. Then, in my teaching and learning journey I still cheat, but I have made some progress, I’m not just copying and pasting but rather taking other people’s ideas which can help me understand better ways to teach and learn. 
There are still some rules that sort of limit our cheating skills, for ex. very restricted CC, or even worse no CC at all. 
And I find that many educational sites are telling us that if we use their material commercially we are infringing the laws of copyright. That’s fine, I wonder what commercially mean. When I download an activity, which the site allows, and adapt it to suit my students needs, I get paid by them. Am I using these resources for commercial value? Yes! I checked a few “prestigious” educational sites copyright rules and they ask you to require permission if you are going to upload their resources in other websites, like blogs? OMG, I wonder what is the real value of sharing resources if we cannot share the results and productions that arose from using them or adapting them. 
Do these kind of rules encourage cheating or do they encourage us to be more responsible as digital citizens? With the time, I am skipping sites and educators who basically share their resources to focus on marketing their names. Attribution is fine, as Dr Couros says basically to check the sources.

Can cheating help us be more effective and learn faster by saving time and effort?

Why I am interested in learning about the Rhyzomatic theory?
My feeling is that Rhyzomes can be seen as ways of thinking and elaborating ideas. Sorry Dave if I am trying to remix the theory. But I would like to explore and see if it can work in my classroom setting. If I can learn given the context of the community I can’t neglect this opportunity to my sts. The challenge is we don’t have a big community YET.
I still have no answers, in fact I am full of questions, but now I know what to answer when colleagues ask me about my goals for the next term: “I’m not sure, I don’t know. How can I know if I haven’t met my students yet? How can I anticipate the content if I don’t know what is going to happen around the globe. Yes, I know some skills my students need to develop”. I am working on a curriculum and scaffolding it according to ESL levels, I will explore how it works. 

Why do we cheat? What does cheat mean? 
According to wikipedia cheating means: Cheating refers to an immoral way of achieving a goal.
So I think we should plead “cheat” guilty and just execute it.

OK, Is it possible to state with absolute certainty that there are some people who can claim they have never cheated? I don’t know, I think it could be true. 

What if we think that a student who cheats and gets to stay in the educational system should be executed and left out of any future better possibilities. Will it be a better world if  leave students out and educationless because they cheated? 

As for me, I would like to think there’s no better place for a young person than to stay under education protection. Back to uncertainty. I am having some doubts about education being the best place if a teacher is willing to execute cheaters. They could execute them, trust me I beg … sometimes some teachers execute students for a lot less immoral reasons.