ET MOOC Introduction

Here is a first text version of the introduction that I posted earlier: My name is Ed Nagelhout. I’m an associate professor of rhetoric and writing at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. My primary interests are in writing program administration and the ways that educational technology influence coherence and consistency across sections, across courses, and over time. I am just beginning to explore more comprehensive assessment practices and (big data) learning analytics as a means to increase learner control, learner choice, and learner independence through self-directed and non-formal online learning activities and interactive support structures.

I’m an old guy and a plodder.I consider myself well behind the cutting edge, although I hope I’m not too far behind the curve. I have a web site (although not nearly as dynamic as I would like) and only recently come to Twitter. This is my first blog. While it is my “general” blog, I imagine that most all of the first posts will be devoted to ET MOOC issues.

I hope to post a more visual introduction later in the week.

I have two goals for the ETMOOC: to learn and to participate. I really have no expectations, except to follow Dave Cormier’s advice/outline on the video posted last week ( ). I want to learn as much as I can, knowing full well that there is really not enough time to do all that I want to do. I want to improve my understanding of available ed tech tools and eLearning 3.0.

I’m very much looking forward to learning from all of you.