What is the OC@ADLC?

 I have been thinking about the idea of communication and the way I can describe the open classroom to others. I still feel like an alien speaking a different language…so here goes.



The OC@ADLC stands for the Open Classroom at Alberta Distance Learning Center . The Open Classroom (The OC) is a pilot to encourage collaboration and interaction among High School students using social media and digital tools. A variety of “short” courses, on different curriculum related topics will be offered throughout the 2012-13 school year to ADLC learners, Alberta Learners and the world. The OC courses will be offered as an extension to online courses already being offered by ADLC. You do not have to be an ADLC student to participate and the cost is FREE.

The OC@ADLC Pilot Course:

Course Title: The #ODC1 (Open Digital Citizen 1)

Course Timeline: Tuesday November 6- Thursday November 8, 2012

Course Objectives:
Using social media and digital tools, learners will investigate the following topics:
1) Introduction to Open Online Learning
2) Digital Citizenship :Rules and Security
2) Digital Citizenship: Stages of Connected Learning

The course is based on the idea that High School students and Educators can learn about digital skills and social media in an “online open learning enviornment” together. Based on the “MOOC” trend that has devoured Higher Education, Learners will be encouraged to create, play, innovate, make messes, remix and collaborate while developing key digital media skills and focusing on social media competencies. Learners will be asked to complete synchronous and asynchronous open online activities in order to complete the course competencies.

The focus of the Open Classroom is on encouraging High School students to learn in open environments. To ensure that all Learners have an opportunity to feel safe- there is an emphasis on learning how to be proactive and accountable in open online learning. The goal of #ODC1 is to develop the skills in order to create collaborative projects in open environments in the future. To do so, there will be an emphasis on digital citizenship, responsibility and skills to build a knowledge base and create supportive networks. By encouraging positive digital  experiences, learners will develop the confidence to participate in future courses.

We all have skills as Learners – let’s network and collaborate together to build on these skills and create new knowledge.

“ Today knowledge is free. It’s like air, it’s like water…There is no competitive advantage in knowing more than the person next to you. The world doesn’t care what you know. What the world cares about is what you can do with what you know.”  Dr. Tony Wagner

Guidelines for the Open Classroom:

  • Everyone is a Learner.
  • Learners will get out of the course what they put into it.
  • Unique and engaging learning experiences are promoted.
  • There is no minimum or maximum time expected to “complete” activities. It will be up to the discretion of the Learners as to how much time they wish to invest. Learners will have the option of completing independent activites after the completion of the course in order to meet their learning needs.
  • Learners will have be offered media competencies to “guide” their learning. When a Learner feels that they have met a competency, they will be responsible for curating and self evaluating their digital artifact.
  • When the Learners complete competencies, they will be given a badge.
  • The badge(s) can be pulled together and used towards dual credit certification with ADLC. If the learner is not an ADLC student, the OC learner will still be able to attain badges and certification. (More clarification on this to follow after meeting with Mozilla Badges.)
  • Learners will have the opportunity to link their personal blogs and digital artifacts to the course RSS feeds.
  • All the learning is in the open – all learners are accountable for their own learning (No one will make Learners post anything online, however; Learners will be responsible for their own work).  All content will be freely distributed and visible to everyone – including people who are not participating in the course.

Security and Privacy Issues

The Open Classroom will use Canvas Invrastructure as its LMS (Learning Management System). It is a cloud based LMS . All the courses will be open to all to “see” but there are some limitations to those who can participate:

  • All Learners must be 14 or older with a valid “institution” email address. If Learners are between 14-18 years of age, they must also register a valid parent’s email address.
  • Any Learners over 18 years of age must register with a valid educational institution email address.

Any Learner who intimidates another Learner, or creates a negative learning environment will be taken out of the OC@ADLC.

Please direct feedback to: vroberts at adlc.ca

Twitter: @verenanz