laughing diary

Last Friday, September 7 was my birthday, and I took a day off, yeah, it was awesome. And I shared my day with my daughter, my nephew and some friends. And had a party with my PLN, I even got roses from Greece.

But I spent some time reading my PLN’s posts. And Eureka! I came across Josette Le Blanc’s post on “The Laughing Diary” and laughed and still find myself laughing when I re read her post about “What makes us laugh”. Josette took me to Lizzie Serene and Lizzie to  Kevin Stein and Vicky Loras.

So here I am sharing part 1 of “My Laughing Diary”

While travelling: This is a short recording that makes me laugh like crazy every time I watch it, and guess how many times I have played it?

My last tango class: Every Thursday I take a tango class, and it has become scheduled in my calendar, it’s like a class, one of my EFL class, I wouldn’t cancel unless something really bad happens, in fact, almost never, lol
Well, last Thursday the two teachers showed us how to perform some basic steps, and then the gentlemen in the class look for us, (tango is a little machista!, chauvinist?) and we started trying the steps and go in circles like this:
Usually there are many foreigners, so it’s also great because I can also speak English, but last Thursday one of my tango partners was Brazilian, and we started trying the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, you might think it’s easy but it’s not. People take it very seriously but dancing with a Brazilian was so much fun. So, there we went 1, 2, 3  BUMP, we bumped into a couple, “Sorry, Excuse us”, 1, 2, 3 BUMP “Sorry, Excuse us”, 1, 2, 3 BUMP and suddenly the teachers came shouting “Gentleman (it’s machista, remember!) can’t you see you are the only couple going on the wrong direction, the arms should always face the circle!” Needless to say that we laughed really out loud! Thanking this man for this moment.  

Anyway who has not seen Al Pacino’s movie “Scent of a Woman”? Tango is sheer, pure feeling. 

Family moments: We share so much laughter when we have our “asaditos”, Argentinian beef. We love to remember those moments, like trips we make all together.
My daughter was four and we went to the beach with my sis and her family. So we were walking on a warm evening along the coast and my daughter shouted “Who threw me a bucket of water?”, looking at my little nephew, assuming he had splashed her. LOL that was a huge wave!
Three ago my parents decided to celebrate their 50s wedding anniversary in Israel, and they took my sis and I. Yes, unforgettable. We visited many cities and changed hotel every two or three days. That day we were at The Dead Sea, we rushed to leave our luggage in our room and put on our bathing suits to enjoy the warm salty water and floated, and unusual and lovely experience. When we returned to the hotel, and tried to open our room door we couldn’t, so we went to the lobby and the man said “The card might have demagnetized” and gave us another, we went back and we could not open the door, but suddenly a woman opened the door (our door?) and I said “What’s she doing in our room?” and she spoke a language we could not understand, just then a hotel employee who happened to be near us, came for help. Yes, of course, we were on the wrong floor, the wrong room. So many hotel rooms and so many numbers took us to the wrong room. “Sorry! Excuse me!” “Je te demande!” “Spiancente” Laugh!
My first Twit: “Can anybody tell me what #web 2.0 mean?” – SILENCE- Laugh! 
There’s more to share, thank G there’s much more … Je, je, he he, JUAS
Thank you Josette
