IICT2 and #etmooc

It’s just a coincidence that the online course that I teach, Integration of Information and Computer Technology Part 2 offered through ETFO AQ, an additional qualification course for Ontario Teachers, and #etmooc, the Educational Technology and Media Massive Online Course, commence on the same day. In the first, a small group of Ontario teachers will hone their technology integration skills, make some connections with one another, share resources and ideas, and learn how to lead their own school colleagues further along the edtech continuum using Web2.0 tools, social media and technology hardware. In the second, a very large group of dedicated educators scattered around the world will do the same, on a grand scale. The learning that occurs in both will demand changes, big changes even, for the learners. And what will the outcome be? The participants will become connected learners and teachers. Perhaps a student somewhere will become more involved in their own learning, more self-directed, more excited about being a creative, passionate individual who shares the magic of rich learning.
So if you are not already registered in my course, I suggest you point your browser over to etmooc.org and get on board!