Jumping In

Day late, dollar short.  Story of my life.  I’m just recovering from a bout of the flu and am late to the ETMOOC party.  Today I’ve spent no less than 4 hours surveying, taking notes, and in general, trying to get organized to participate in the ETMOOC. Here is my TOP 10 LIST to get going in the ETMOOC:

1. I started with the  #ETMOOC site and began with the far left tab ‘ETMOOC’ and scanned each page to oreint myself to the site.

2. I created and linked my BLOG Lynda Learns to MOOC – yes, I know MOOC is not a verb, but honestly, IT SHOULD BE!!!

3. I created my TWITTER account @Lynda01890 – so follow me already!

4. I organized my comrade CONTACTS info (Alison, Christin, John, Matthew, and Tim) – luv you guys!

5. I linked to the GOOGLE CALENDAR for the #ETMOOC and also added the dates to my office Outlook calendar so I won’t miss anything.  I also emailed the calendar to my comrades.

6. I found @POCKET which is an application that lets you save TWEETS you want to read later – going to need to further investigate this

7. I identified the PARTICIPANT GUIDE – AMEN!!!

8. I found the ARCHIVE to catch up on the activities I missed!

9. I vowed to stay current with this stuff and try to devote an hour each day to surveying the #ETMOOC environment

10. I took a deep breath, and a long nap.

Stay tuned for more adventures in ETMOOC land.