You Are What You Curate #ETMOOC


Do you wonder how to organize all the ideas you want to keep so you can do something with them? I’ve been introduced to StorifyPearltrees, and IFTTT as ways to annotate and organize those bits of information I want to synthesize and share in meaning and action. Sue Waters also has just responded to questions about blogging using Storify to curate the tweets and responses! I created this My Storify to try to organize.

I also learned how to gather blog posts and comments in Google Reader from Sue Waters here  and here.  I am creating a folder in Google Reader for the the ETMOOC hub and for the posts I want to curate: annotate, synthesize, share, and act. I just followed Sue’s directions here.

I hope to work with others at the middle school level on the topics of assessment, inquiry, global collaboration,  and teaching for our students’ futures.


This blog post offers more information on curation.  What are your ideas?

“You are what you share.”

Photo Credit: From above post; see link on image.