Haunted by Les Nessman

ImageI admit it. I’m one of those.  I build walls and compartmentalize.  Here I am in a MOOC with all of these open, free, thoughtful, experimental people who are blogging, tweeting, etc about any number of subjects.  Here I sit, painfully eking out my second blog.  I have watched and even participated in the BB sessions, commented on others’ blogs (a bit) and learned, learned, learned!

When I started this process I thought I would pick up some interesting information on technology.  Ahem. I had absolutely no idea what I was getting into.  Despite often feeling like a complete rookie, I am absolutely and surprisingly (to myself) OK with this. 

My journey, I suspect, will not be about technology, it will be about building up a PLE and a PLN.  Yes, obviously technology is involved, but it is my mindset that is changing. Scary, but cool. 

I hope to banish good ol’ Les and his rules and restricted areas for good.  Thanks for sharing the journey with me.