Two Sessions This Week

Last night Alec Couros led the discussion on connected and network learning.  I am light years behind many of the people participating in ETMOOC but am darn well going to get what I can from this process.  Apologies for the language, but I must make myself clear, at least at myself.

The first step will be to get this blog posting up and running again.  Which had me thinking today while I posted to one of my class blogs.  I am currently using three different blog platforms and lately when I begin to post, I find myself struggling to navigate through the platform.  The platforms all seem to have the same or similar aspects and capabilities but are slightly different to operate.  I think I need to decide upon one platform and use that.  Make life simple.  Suggestions welcome.

This also brought up a similar issue with the different devices that I use.  I bought an iPad to take back and forth to school with me as I was tired of lugging my laptop around.  The school has provided me with a Del which I lug around the school. But I really dislike using it.  Then I go to do a simple task like taking a screen shot and am unable to do so without Google as I have a shortened memory.  Watching Alec last night as he creates a poll from the topics given during the session makes me very envious.  When am I going to have the skills, etc to make the technology in my classroom seamless?

Of course some of the limitations are due to working in a building where viewing a YouTube video does not happen without glitches and often the ability to only view a portion of the video.  But I do aim to make technology use in my classroom more user friendly.

I did work on my twitter account today.  I am using tweet deck and flipboard to help me make sense of the many tweets I am now trying to follow.  I do know some of the basics of social communication, but again have lots to learn.

Today’s session with Dean Shareski was also thought provoking.  I have always been a colleague who gladly shares materials, ideas and support.  I have been very fortunate to work with very supportive staff members.  We worked as a team long before the use of PLC’s and PLN’S and possibly it just worked because we needed to rely on each other.  As I log off of the blackboard session tonight, I realize that I didn’t meet anyone, I haven’t made any connections with anyone.  I need to put myself out there more so that I can make some connections with others.  Look out ETMOOC, I hope someone has patience for this laggard. 🙂