
Well, I didn’t finish a video. Didn’t even actually get it started. But after some great advice from Christina and  Sue, I decided to focus on prepping for class today. I did listen to Dean Shareski’s session yesterday morning before starting work, while I puttered around my desktop (and his Sharing video is in my Pocket). I also got to spend a bit of time reading and enjoying ET MOOC blog posts, although I wasn’t able to post any comments. <sigh> I hope to carve out some more time next week, as I had planned, to participate more fully.

As I stated in an earlier post, after my first week in the ET MOOC, I felt under-qualified and under-prepared to teach my ENG 406B – Electronic Docs and Publications course, which we (the professional writing staff) had designed last semester to focus on social media and personalized learning. My participation in the ET MOOC, however, has fortuitously provided me with lots to think about, lots of sources, and lots of ways to engage with my students.

Interestingly enough, my plan for my first video post was to create a series of short videos on How I Learn, which would include How I Gather, How I Read, and How I Write. I would then post these for my students in ENG 406B as a way to initiate our conversations about learning, reading, and writing. Instead, I created a PPT presentation that included all of this information. I still may return and create the videos; in fact, I really want to, but only if time will allow.

My prepping for class, then, was, as always, both instructional and reflective, just like the class will allow me to learn and reflect further once the students start engaging.

So, if anyone is interested, I posted the PPTs (both course introduction and day 2) for download on my web site:

They are both really big (too big, in fact, to download on the course google site or this blog). If anyone is interested, the course web site is

Everything is free and open. If anyone wants anything from the course or if anyone has any questions, just let me know. Of course, you’ll see many sources, resources, and ideas from the ET MOOC, so I’ll conclude with a big shout out to the ET MOOC Community. Thanks to you all.

One more thing: my wife and I ate Panda Express last night, and my fortune cookie message was quite apropos: “If you continually give, you will continually have.”

On to the next project!