Digital Storytelling Part 1


What is a story?

Is it a piece of fiction that narrates events? Is it a message presented in writing or drama or cinema or on TV or radio?
Storytelling to me is about sharing unforgettable family stories, fairy tales that we read when kids, or we read our kids before we put them to sleep, stories of wonderful people who gave it all because of their strong beliefs. Storytelling is that moment when we fill our hearts with magic, bravery, love, tragedy, adventure, incredible trips out the space or underwater.

“You’ve got Email”- kids listening to a story

Storytelling is an out loud shout to our senses.

Close your eyes and see that hero fighting against the huge evil monster?

Smell the lilies when Mrs Baker tells the story of how she planted that first flower in her front porch and eventually fell in love with gardening and how she has become an active member in planting flowers in her community?

Smell and taste the flavour of the knishes my grannie made and that moment when she sat down and  told us how, who and why she learned how to cook knishes?

Feel the paper of the yellowish book I still have of an elephant called “Dailan Kifty” who was so huge to fit in that little home? Thanks Maria Elena Walsh for that story.

My aunt gave me this book when I was 12, now my daughter owns it. Who will she give it to?
So, I like to think that Digital Storytelling is just about telling stories in the digital era.

I wonder how the impact of storytelling can eventually change on the listener or reader by adding digital tools.

Being an immigrant to technology, I would like to explore how digital tools can make a different impact when sharing our stories. Will that be possible?

I love the feeling of keeping, deep inside my memory, those stories that my grandfather told my father and then he told me, and I told my daughter. But I am ready to explore and learn about new things, which does not mean I will lose my memories of the stories I was told.

Welcome to a new adventure! (I am talking to you and myself!)

Exploring and experimenting:

Here you can listen to The Plum Tree story 

Or you can read the story:

Which do you prefer to listen to a story or to read a story?