Worse Than Prom Photos: Old Digital Stories

In his awesome book Net Smart, Howard Rheingold quotes danah boyd regarding digital footprints, saying:

So what embarrasses me online is not just content I wrote foolishly but also content that I wrote with the intention of it being public and persistent. My way to cope with this is to constantly put up new content on the Internet that clouds out the past. To make a presence that’s much more present me than past me.

THAT is exactly how I feel about my digital stories. This week’s topic encouraged me to go back and review several of the digital stories I’ve done in the past. Let’s just say…they’re a bit quaint.

(Full Disclosure: A personal friend was at a conference a few months ago, and the organizers showed a very old digital story that I made. The person recognized my voice on the track and asked me: “Were you really trying to be that cheesy?” #truth)

So… here’s my feeble attempt to update my old style:
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad

Here’s to living in the present!