A picture(s) can tell a story…

THE SCENE: As many of you may know or have heard the Northeastern part of the United States was hit hard by a blizzard going by the name Nemo.  Apparently we are naming snowstorms as well as hurricanes and topical depressions.  Anyway, here in the Boston area around 27 inches of snow fell as people were told to stay in there homes until a transportation ban was lifted on Saturday, February 9th at 4pm EST. However, when the snow stopped and the sun start to ever so slightly shine people poured out into the street to see what happened.  These seven pictures tell a digital story of what saw after the storm. 


Top Left Pic:  My wife and I smiling for the patented long arm.  It sure was fun enjoying the sights and sounds after the storm.

Middle Left Pic: A sidewalk completely covered in snow.  There was so much snow people had to walk in the once busy streets.

Bottom Left Pic: The side of an apartment building with ivy covered in snow.  It was amazing to see how the snow blanketed over everything and stuck to everything else.

Top Right Pic: A parking meter barely high enough to be seen.  What you don’t see is the four feet of snow between the meter and the street.  Don’t think anyone will be putting in quarters anytime soon. 

1st Middle Right Pic: Some where in there you’ll see our car.  All that is showing is the rear view mirror and the windshield wipers pointing to the sky.  Can’t wait to get my workout in digging this car out.

2nd Middle Right Pic: A cross-country skier on the main street of the city.  It was interesting to see how people took to the situation and even in the snow you have a fast lane. 

Bottom Right Pic: A bobcat construction vehicle equipment with a snow plow.  This is when it hit you; this was one big storm.