Week note 4&5 2013

Having been mega busy over the last few weeks I’ve neglected the blog and missed last weeks notes. Therefore this week’s note is a round up of the last two weeks.

So here it goes:

Held a small focus group for the study skills project

Re-organised a focus group with engineering and sixth form for the above project

Held a progress meeting for the study skills project where we further tweaked the layout to make it more user friendly

Admitted defeat and  put the ‘Careers TV’ project on hold. Unfortunately juggling a job and a half plus my ILT responsibilities means that I don’t have the time to do the project justice

Ran a training session for the Learner Development department on interactive presentation methods

Committed to running the above session to the college’s Advanced Teachers as well as the entire sixth form staff

Introduced the sixth form staff to comic book generating software

Introduced infograpics to my students

Re-engaged with the #etmooc

Learnt how to create an animated gif