Week note 4&5 2013

Having been mega busy over the last few weeks I’ve neglected the blog and missed last weeks notes. Therefore this week’s note is a round up of the last two weeks.

So here it goes:

Held a small focus group for the study skills project

Re-organised a focus group with engineering and sixth form for the above project

Held a progress meeting for the study skills project where we further tweaked the layout to make it more user friendly

Admitted defeat and  put the ‘Careers TV’ project on hold.…

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The Power of Social Media


Since I started to take part in the connectivist MOOC #etmooc my awareness of the way that I use technology to connect with both my peers and my learners has increased greatly. This week I have been particularly aware of the role that social media plays in supporting the progression of learners from Further Education to Higher Education.…

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Week note 2/2013

This week I’ve:


  • Participated in my first webinar! Normally I lurk.
  • #etmooc – read and commented on blog posts plus attended the above webinar
  • Sent off my CMALT application for assessment.
  • Presented an ‘ILT Tip’ at the sixth form academic board
  • Arranged for my students to interview an award winning journalist for the ‘Careers TV’ project
  • Organised a web designer for the ‘Careers TV’ site
  • Had the branding created for the ‘Careers TV’ site
  • Organised a focus group for the study skills project
  • Connect with my peers via the alt forum and received lots of useful replies for a training package I’m working on
  • Created a staff training session on electronic presentation tools which includes a comic book generator and software for creating interactive posters





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Week note 2/2013

Here’s what I’ve been up to this week:

  • Saw the first draft of the study skills website that I am working on
  • Ran a focus group with 8 AS students for feedback on the website
  • Organised a focus group within the engineering dept
  • Recruited a team of student volunteers to work on the ‘Careers TV’ site
  • Started the etmooc by attending the orientation seminar and publishing my response to the first task
  • Using various social media tools, through the etmooc, I have connected with and learn from to a wide range of educators from across the globe


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Jumping into the unknow

This year am I embarking on my first ever MOOC and have decided to take part in the Educational Technology and Media course otherwise known as #ETMOOC. I choose this specific course as I’m an educator who is is interested in technology and media (I have a degree in Film Studies) so I thought this course would be interesting and relevant to my practice.…

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