Books, Donuts, & Me: A Love Story

When I’m on vacation, there are only two things I’m interested in:

1)  books

2)  food

Often, but not always, in that order.

Thus, for the two weeks in January that I spent vacationing in the Pacific Northwest, #etmooc and all other “real world” stuff got pushed to the back burner while I went in pursuit of two of my great loves…

A corset book, one of the many wondrous objects in the University of Washington’s Book Arts Collection.


Delectable, made-to-order beignets served with vanilla marscapone and raspberry jam at Seattle’s Dahlia Bakery. (My apologies for the poor photo quality and harried “hurry-up-and-take-the-photo-so-I-can-eat” expressions)


A couple of chickens preparing to cross the road.  (okay, not a book, nor food, but representative of my third great love:  funky local art)


By the end of my vacation, I felt refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to jump back into #etmooc-ing but, alas, the universe had other plans.  By the time my homeward bound plane touched ground, I was knocked nearly unconscious by a nasty flu.


After a week of bed rest, coupled with large doses of fresh ginger, o.j., and gallons of soup, I’m now (mostly) back to normal – hurray!

To ease myself back into the swing of things, I spent the evening catching up on some #etmooc blog posts.  Here are a couple that knocked my socks off:


Charlie Chapman, move over!  Amy Burvall’s silent film, ‘Hat Check Girl’, is absolutely the bees knees!


My favorite stories are always the ones with elements that I can relate to.  Linda Pemik’s first digital story of ‘A Family of Firsts’ had me awww-ing and grinning and reminiscing about some of my own “firsts”.


Having lived in Hawaii for most of my life, I found Tim Brenner’s collage of Boston blizzard photos an utterly fascinating story.  (Gee, look at all that white stuff!)


Diana Samson shared ‘A Pep Talk From Kid President to You’.  In a word:  ADORABLE.