A real life example of digital story in my office

Today I had a young lady come into my office who was feeling very upset over a test mark. This is a student who four years ago would have probably used self harm to deal with her negative emotions.

We sat in my office together and we started to talk out the situation. I shared my haiku deck I had previous created called “Who Are You Going to Listen Too? Your inner hero or your inner villian?” She was very taken in by the simple words and the pictures in this story. I was very impressed with the way we were able to diffuse the emotion and I complimented her on her growth by saying…. “Boy you’ve come a long way. I wonder if there is anything you have learned over the past four years that would be helpful for me to share with other students?”

She said “Yeah, probably”

so I asked “Would you like to help me write our own haiku deck?”

“No I’m to busy”

“Ok well, if you were to give me an idea where would you start?”….

The rest, as we say is history. My student took the ipad from me and began to write. The result was this fantastic haiku deck that I share with you today (with her permission of course).

