Let’s Mooc again

Rooftop Beehives, Vancouver Convention Centre


My second Moocing attempt is not starting well… I was away for the first week, and am now faced with an ocean of material to swim/waddle through. I am interested, though, first in the topic of openness, and the link to lifelong learning, but also in what goes on in a Mooc; my own reaction has been similar for the previous Mooc I attempted – the spaces are what I find challenging; how do I create my own space, in my own time (learning chronotope, my old friend…), or is a Mooc not about individual time and space, but about the hive-like swarm?

Image: ‘Rooftop Beehives, Vancouver Convention Centre’<br />http://www.flickr.com/photos/36967262@N03/4011937623<br />Found on flickrcc.net