Emotions are Contagious


Emotional Contagiousness: + Social Collective Emotion creates the positive energy found in THE WAVE, FLASH MOBS or even LIP DUBES

With the trend in schools towards text messaging, e-mails home and blogs there is still a need for a little face to face interaction in order to solidify the relationship between team members.
About two weeks ago I had the pleasure (preconcussion) of attending EdcampYYC. I have to tell you I was super stoked to attend this event not just for the content but for the opportunity to connect and chat with profs and students I had met during #etmooc.
I find I get the same excitement when it comes to Teachers Convention, Opening Day Mass and the District Hockey Game.
My primary job as a teacher and counsellor is to CONNECT WITH PEOPLE. Even if I move into a leadership role, Face to Face is still important.