Archived Webinars – PD On Your Time Table

As someone who leads professional development workshops and classes, I know first hand how hard it is to coordinate a place and a time that meets everyone’s schedules. I don’t usually like to admit defeat, but it seems to be IMPOSSIBLE these days. Therefore, I am extremely grateful that more and more people are archiving their PD sessions for people to attend on their own time table. (I know this saved me in #ETMOOC this winter.) Of course, the drawback is not being able to interact with other participants or ask questions live, but being able to get some great ideas from other educators and leaders in your content field when the house is finally quiet; the laundry is folded and the pajamas are on: priceless!

Recently, I discovered a page of webinars hosted by Thinkfinity’s Content Partners and ISTE. The topics vary from mobile devices, digital citizenship and how to use tools – to name a few. The page seems to be updated on a regular basis, too. Perhaps, there’s something there that you have been looking for, but not the time to seek it out.