RULA LibraryBox Takes Shape

RULA LibraryBox LogoThe Ryerson University Library and Archives LibraryBox, a self-contained, wireless digital resource-sharing device, is finally taking shape.  At present it consists of a selection of public domain ebooks (including a couple available in Canada only) and a sampling of OER textbooks made available from OpenStax College and the BC Open Textbooks Project. In addition it includes some basic information about Creative Commons licenses and a short video “Hacking Public Domain eBooks for use in the Classroom“.  As the contents of the LibraryBox are only available when you are connected wirelessly to the RULA LibraryBox, here are a few screen shots to show you what it looks like:

Screenshot of Home Screen on an iPad

Screenshot of Home Screen on an iPad


Screenshot of books page on an iPhone


Screenshot of OER page on a Nexus 7


Screenshot of remix page on a Nexus 7

LibraryBox was developed by Jason Griffey who is currently looking for funding for LibraryBox 2.0 on Kickstarter