Fine Art: Finding Images

Recently several major art museums have announced that they are making their digital collections available for download and non-commercial use.  This opening up of collections gives students and anyone interested in fine art an opportunity to work with and use these images in their own projects.  …

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How to Hack eBooks in the Public Domain

As part of the Mozilla Teach the Web Project I created a Popcorn project about hacking public domain ebooks.  From that I decided to try using Haiku Deck to create a more visually compelling presentation with more information about how to actually do the hacking.  …

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RULA LibraryBox Takes Shape

RULA LibraryBox LogoThe Ryerson University Library and Archives LibraryBox, a self-contained, wireless digital resource-sharing device, is finally taking shape.  At present it consists of a selection of public domain ebooks (including a couple available in Canada only) and a sampling of OER textbooks made available from OpenStax College and the BC Open Textbooks Project.…

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Hacking Public Domain ebooks for use in the Classroom

Video of Hacking Public Domain ebooks for use in the ClassroomThe assignment for Week 4 of Teach the Web has merged with the assignment for Week 5 as the whole project took much longer than expected.  My idea was to put together a small Popcorn project on how knowing a little HTML and CSS can let you augment public domain ebooks to provide an enhanced learning experience.  …

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