Using Desmos to Explore Polar Graphs

Yr 10 Advanced maths students are learning about polar form. After a brief introduction they were asked to sketch r =ø , and r = 1 – sinø using to see what they looked like then asked to explore and take note of what they had discovered. Here are a few examples:

I discovered that r=something will make a circle. The larger the number, the larger the circle. I also rediscovered the {} icons and how they manipulate the length of the lines: Claire

I discovered that putting a negative in front makes the spiral go the other way: Sophie

I discovered that
r=x theta + y
X changes the distance between the spirals
Y changes the distance of the spirals from the origin
r=y +(or -) x cos(or sin) theta
X changes the distance between the squiggles
Y changes the width (and shape) of the larger circular line
The + or – sign reflects the graph on x axis (for sin), or on y axis (for cos): MeiCory

I discovered that using r=5sin4theta would give me a flower~ Weijing (Ruby)