#MELSIG event report

On Friday I made my way back up north to attend the MELSIG event at the University of Huddersfield. As expected the conference was full of inspiration. Although all of the presentations and workshops were excellent the one that really stood out for me was Hayley Atkinson’s (@LadyColottes) presentation on ’Designing and Evaluating E-Book Resources‘.

Hayley’s presentation highlighted a project that she is working on at the University of Leeds which explores the design and evaluation of eBook resources. A copy of Hayley’s slides are below whilst the Sound cloud file is an interview that Hayley gave about the project earlier in the year.

Although the project is also examining the way that e-books can be used to create interactive course books I was particularly interested in how the project is encouraging creative assessments as students are able to author their own e-books as an alternative to writing essays.

I am currently working a dissertation study into the use of audio feedback and can’t wait to try out a few of the authoring tools suggested by Hayley so that I can present my findings in an interactive way. I’m planning on embedding video interviews, sound clips and links to the institutions resource website where the supporting materials for this project are hosted.