Passion and Compassion for 2014

Hopefully, this post is the first of many in the coming year.  After all, that is going to be one of my goals for 2014–write every day.

Professional Highlights of 2013

Professional Highlights of 2013

2013 was a year of change and growth, learning and stretching. …

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On Conferences, Twitter, and the Novice-Expert Journey

Yesterday I read Rebecca Hogue’s blog about her experience at #MRI13, Impostor in the Room, and felt compelled to respond…I attended three conferences over the past month, and like Rebecca I am a doctoral student still navigating the journey from novice to expert, so I often feel like an impostor in rooms filled with people who have become pseudo-celebrities in my professional life as I must stand on their shoulders to build my dissertation. …

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Event report: ALT-C 2013

Last week I attended the 2013 Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C) which was hosted at the University of Nottingham. Alongside hearing about some fantastic projects it was a great opportunity to catch up with the people I’ve met since I started my first role as a learning technologist four months ago.…

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#MELSIG event report

On Friday I made my way back up north to attend the MELSIG event at the University of Huddersfield. As expected the conference was full of inspiration. Although all of the presentations and workshops were excellent the one that really stood out for me was Hayley Atkinson’s (@LadyColottes) presentation on ’Designing and Evaluating E-Book Resources‘.…

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Event report: International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning

Yesterday was a ‘first time day’ as I attend my first accessibility conference. The International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning Conference was held at Glasgow Caladonian University and had been organised as part of ENABLE project.

After the keynote the conference was split into 2 halves with themed sessions running in parallel with each other.…

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Event report: International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning

Yesterday was a ‘first time day’ as I attend my first accessibility conference. The International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning Conference was held at Glasgow Caladonian University and had been organised as part of ENABLE project.

After the keynote the conference was split into 2 halves with themed sessions running in parallel with each other.…

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mLearn 2013: 12th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning

Faculty eCommons

mLearn Conference was the first conference on mobile learning. After more than eleven years, mLearn is widely recognized as one of the most prestigious international conferences in the field.
mLearn extends the theory and practice of ……

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JISC Y/H Summer Conference 2012 #rscinspire13

Today wasn’t like a normal Wednesday, I didn’t get up at 6, I didn’t eat breakfast in the car and I didn’t drive to Derby. Instead I had a lie in, caught the train to Leeds and almost had a heart attack as I undertook the nerve raking task of delivering my first conference presentation.

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SITE 2013: AP’s Tools and Resources for Extraordinary Courses

Academic Partnerships (AP) presented at this year’s conference for the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), which was held in New Orleans, LA. SITE promotes the development and dissemination of theoretical knowledge, conceptual ……

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Hot Issues Conference: Online Nursing Education

Academic fields all around are exploring how technology can transform education, but the field of nursing has already cleared much of its path headed toward the next frontier in education transformation. Nursing educators reached for technology to develop effective online education in response to demands for registered nurses (RNs) to receive higher education and increased […]

The post Hot Issues Conference: Online Nursing Education appeared first on Faculty eCommons.…

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