Gamification course done…#DCMOOC & Math AQ starting

It’s been a month since I’ve blogged. Still loving learning and also working on some great projects as part of the AT team. Just a quick post to let you know I’ve successfully finished my #Gamification14 course – so much useful info that I can apply to education. (I’ll post some of my game design work for a collaborative economy company next.) 
May 11th there’s a new Massive Open Online Course headed by University of Saskatchewan educator Alec Couros @courosa . For more info check out:
For those who know me, know how much I absorb, read, learn and thrieve in a STEM environment. My background educational is Biochemistry & Genetic Engineering and I speak the language of Math. Still, there is always something new to learn. So, I’m taking yet another AQ course- so much to learn (hard to believe I know – but it will the official Math Part 1 course).
 In fact, one of my passions is to support Mathematics Education using #gamified systems and 21st century learning using Universal Design for Learning principles. No wonder I’m part of many of my departments Math initiatives including the Desire2Learn Math Mission – promoting math communication andcollaboration for special ed teachers and students at a Junior level. Maybe the future I’ll have a Master’s program of study..or even I’ve been looking at OCAD University’s inclusive design Masters one day…

Have you heard about it?

My lovely cousin Vanessa Pfaff is currently a student. There are educators, engineers, game designers and public relations people and more… day. 🙂