It’s #dcmooc time! – Intro session

Introduction to #dcmooc. The digital citizenship massive open online course started this week. I missed the initial session but, thankfully, the moderators/facilitators/creators Alec Couros @courosa & Katia Hildebrandt @kbhildebrandt offer a second session.


The intro was informative, sharing about the overall goals of the massive open online class and the different learning environments available for the almost 800 digitial citizenship (dcMOOCers) such as google+ community, twitter #DCMOOC hashtag, the DCMOOC blog list, and the Blackboard Collaborate “formal” webinar sessions.
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Gamification course done…#DCMOOC & Math AQ starting

It’s been a month since I’ve blogged. Still loving learning and also working on some great projects as part of the AT team. Just a quick post to let you know I’ve successfully finished my #Gamification14 course – so much useful info that I can apply to education.
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Collaborative economy and massive open online course

One nice side result of taking a coursera MOOC course over the past few weeks on Gamification is that I’ve learned about the newest global economy – the collaborative economy. Also known as sharing economy, users engage in sharing of goods, services, money, space or transportation via cyberspace.…

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How we are communicating and are we really? Quick thought about the impact of the internet.

Too busy to post on social media, yeah right!

Wow, it’s been two months since I last posted. I’ve had many thoughts, experiences and learnings, but time seems to tick away. Time? It’s a challenged for me as I always try to strieve a balance between my vocational duties and personal interests and priorities.…

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A few thoughts: RSCON and Learner Management Systems

Some professional learning

It’s been a few weeks. (Not that I haven’t thought of topics to blog about.) In fact, I’ve had some exciting professional growth opportunities of late. I’ve just started my Guidance Part 1 – my first face-to-face Additional Qualifications course in a few years.…

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Some favourite web sites to share: introverts and education

Embracing the introvert in education
 I just finished my fiction novel “The Golden City” – part of a series about technology, societal control and being off the grid. It was interesting reading by author John Twelve Hawks, who apparently lives an unplugged and non-traceable lifestyle as well.
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September – new school year – new outlook – new approaches

So it’s sweet September. Well today is September 2. It’s Labour Day which means tomorrow is the first day of a new school year.

My challenge (to myself) is to begin this twelfth year of teaching (hey, it’s my second career) with a fresh outlook.…

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