Mozilla Webmaker Training 2014

In January of 2013 my colleague stepped through my office door way in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and said “Hey Erin, I think I found something fun we should try- lets take #Etmooc”, and so began my journey into the power of connected learning. At the time I was a newbie to the field of educational technology. I was presented with many ideas throughout the 12 weeks of #Etmooc. I participated in a variety of activities including a webinar which introduced me to Mozilla.

A number of my colleagues have participated in the 2013 Webmaker Training series as well as other #TeachTheWeb activities. I was intrigued yet intimidated to get started. I lurked in the background, watching them work and listening to them grow.

Last week as I was scanning my twitter feed I noticed that a new opportunity was coming up. It has been about a year since I first heard about Webmaker Training so I`ve decided to take action. From my desk in Tarui, Japan I have decided that I am now ready to try tinkering around and learning.

Here is my first attempt at a remix