Snowball’s of Advice from Bishop Carroll’s Mental Health Symposium.


On January 7th , 2015, during our Mental Health/ Wellness Symposium students found solutions to real world problems.

Activity: Snowball Advice

You don’t have to look far to get advice. Some of the best advice comes from your peers

  • Please write down on the form provided, a situation which  you or someone you know, may be struggling with right now. (do not add any names).
  • Crumple the form into a snowball and toss it into the center of the room.
  • When instructed by the facilitators reach down and grab one of the snowballs from the floor (making sure that it is not your original form).
  • Read over the situation and provide some healthy advice for how to handle the situation in the first column.
  • When you are done, once again crumple your paper into a snowball and toss it to the center of the room
  • Repeat steps 3-5 two more times.- try not to repeat any ideas or advice that has already been written on the form.
  • At the end of this symposium we will be collecting all of the situations and suggestions and compiling a google document. Please check back on the document at a later date to receive your peer advice.

We’re extremely excited and proud to share their thoughtful, helpful, responses. Please scan the QR code to take a look at the advice  Bishop Carroll students shared.

snowball advice