Free Webinar: 12/15 at 2pm CDT

Webinar – December 15, at 2pm CST

Unlocking Possibilities: The Latest Research Findings in eLearning

3 Puzzle Pieces: The Career Ladder, Threaded Discussion and Video Feedback

Click here to Register.

Learn the latest research findings from three prominent online educators at 2 p.m. CST, Dec. 15, 2015. The presenting faculty are recipients of Faculty
Grant Program awards presented annually by Academic Partnerships. In this webinar, they will share 3 pieces of the elearning best-practice puzzle:

The Career Ladder
: UT Arlington’s Dr. Bradley Davis will discuss his study, “Exploring the Career Paths of Leadership Preparation Program Graduates.”.

Use of Threaded Discussions:
Arkansas State’s Dr. Brinda McKinney will share her findings from “The Impact of Threaded Discussion Board Activity on Content Mastery.”

Video Feedback
: Karen Manning and Angela Robbins from the University of Cincinnati online MBA program will discuss their on-going research into “Increasing Student
Engagement and Positive Learning Outcomes in Online Problem Based Learning through the use of On Demand Video Feedback.”

eLearning is the fastest-growing element of modern higher education. These experts will share their detailed insights, which you can use to improve your
programs’ potential and results.

Featured Speakers:

Bradley Davis, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington, is a mixed-methods researcher with an emphasis on critical, quantitative methodology.

Karen Manning & Angela Robbins, University of Cincinnati: Ms. Manning has over 35 years of industry experience and is the 2015 Outstanding Adjunct
Teacher. Angela Robbins is an Instructional Designer, instructor and has served as a program director.

Brinda McKinney, PhD, Arkansas State University, teaches nursing and currently serves as the program coordinator for the online RN-BSN program.

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