I’ve used photos I found on Flickr for some of my OLTD assignments and in my Weebly website and I’ve always given credit to the photographer in the form that was noted with the photograph, but I haven’t investigated the attribution feature. I opened a Flickr account this week because I thought perhaps it would be a good platform for linking my photos to the map I was making in Google Maps. Here is the beginning of my photostream. It looks like I’m not going to be able to use Flickr for this because it and/or its parent company Yahoo aren’t compatible with Google, at least the share links I make in Flickr don’t work in my Google map.

Now that my mind has become more “connected”, as Stephen Johnson terms it, to concepts and issues of licensing materials and copyright from what I’ve learned in OLTD 505, I noticed when I looked in the photo details that the default setting for viewer rights was “All rights reserved” and I thought I should find out what the other options are. I opened the tab to find all of these types of licence:
​I had some understanding of the different levels of Attribution and the concept of Public Domain but I but I didn’t know the difference between Public Domain Work and Dedication. I found that Creative Commons has “retired this legal tool” and now only uses the Attribution categories. Further exploration of the Flickr website brought me to this very useful list of definitions of each of the types of license. Now I keep this list of definitions close, to remind me of what the different symbols and terms mean when I’m working with my photos or those of others.