#IMMOOC a New Adventure for Innovative Educators and School Counsellors


September is upon us and the excitement of the new year is here. What a great opportunity to be able to learn, collaborate and plan with others who are as passionate about supporting their students as I am.

Septemeber 2016 will be especially creative for me as I am planning on participating in the Innovators Mindset MOOC #IMMOOC facilitate by  George Couros  and his team.

The Innovator’s Mindset: Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity

I finished the book  last summer when driving home from the lake and it was full of great ideas. I’m hoping that conversations with others around the themes in this book will help take my learning to the next level. I want to develop an actual plan for innovation and change in my high school counselling office.



This course will run for 6 weeks:


And we will be exploring may ideas surrounding what it actually means to be an innovator and how we can model this within our school buildings.



I can already tell from the buzz on our twitter has tag  #IMMOOC that positive people can create A LOT of positive energy.

I feel excited when I see that many members of my online PLN  who I have previously worked with on other projects such as #ETMOOC, #openspokes,  #OCLMOOC , #sccrowd , #scchat, and #cscchat are planning on participating. I’m also looking forward to adding many new names to my list of inspiration.

Let the Learning and Leading Begin