A New Adventure….

It’s been one new adventure after another lately…with all this new technology I’ve been learning about, I haven’t had the time to stop and get off one adventure before beginning another.  It has been rather exciting, scary, interesting and fun…yes, kinda fun too.  At first I didn’t think I would like this new journey, and I struggled with it, however, I’ve come around.  I can see now how I can use social media to grow my PLN, how I can connect with others with the same ideas….yes, I’ve been thinking about all of this…and it is good.

My adventure continues….I’m now working on learning a new technology.  I’ve decided to learn how to use the Classroom Suite software.  I chose to learn this new software in order to use it more effectively at work.  It is a powerful software program which supports many needs students may have.  I’m pretty excited to learn more about it!  I’ll talk more about Classroom Suite in a future blog post.
