2014 EVO Crafting your Perfect Ebook – Week 1

During January and February I had the honour to be one of the co moderators for EVO Crafting your Perfect Ebook. Admittedly, it was one of my most challenging though wonderful journeys I have ever embarked in.

If it hadn’t been for Shelly Terrell, who trusted me and encouraged me with her positive and generous attitude, I would have not been able to do it. Also, I was lucky and will be grateful for the wonderful co moderators who have been supportive all the way through the journey. And the participants who were awesome partners in this adventure who proudly crafted their dream ebooks.

Because January and February were challenging months in my side of the world as we were facing long and unexpected power cuts, I had to be creative enough to be able to present by the end of each week I moderated with the constant concern that I might not be able to have access to Internet. Therefore, I decided to have Plan A, if I had access to Internet; and Plan B if I didn’t have access to Internet.
So, here I am sharing my Pan B for week 1, because believe it or not, power returned ten minutes before the presentation, but something unexpectedly went wrong and the recording was not that good.