Preparation for #ETMOOC

A perspective from one of many MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) participants

Participants in ETMOOC

As I read through the Orientation material from #ETMOOC leader and facilitator Alec Couros, I realize there are a few things to do. For example, participants should:

  • Monitor the #etmooc tweets on Twitter I can do that! However, perhaps I need to work on the art of ‘tweeting’ more of my own views, rather than retweeting the insightful comments of others (which is so much easier).
  • Start contributing to the Google+ etmooc community  Well, I can try! I am impressed at the diverse  group of highly qualified participants from all over the world. One can easily lose track of time while reading brilliant educational technology related discussions and viewing extremely creative video presentations. My goal is to eventually contribute a  bit more than an introductory comment and the odd “hello” or “thank you for …” Once again, I adjust my e-mail notification settings.
  • Set up a blog … In progress!
  • Set up a calendar of events or schedule  …  As per to Alec’s directions, I am now subscribed via Google Calendar to see events in my own time zone. My calendar is synched and I am good to go!
  • Set up Blackboard Collaborate system requirements … Finally, something I already have in place.

A few of my favourite takeaways from the pre-#ETMOOC discussions are:

  1. A post by Verena Roberts referring to  Online Learning: A User’s Guide to Forking Education by Jesse Stommel
  2. An Introductory Poster by Ben Rimes
  3. A video posted by Richard Schwier on successful MOOCing: Success in a MOOC, Written and Narrated by Dave Cormier and Video by Neal Gillis

If the pre-MOOC discussions are any indicator, the upcoming sessions should be fabulous. A huge thank you goes out to all those who have helped with the organization of this event!