What now?

I just finished my Ed.S. in Instructional Technology. Since finishing my degree, I have been inspired to take my career to the next level. I have been working on several new projects since August. The first is an iBook for my class. About midway through the semester, I found out my curriculum was changing so I put it aside until just recently. I decided to take one chapter from the iBook and try it out this semester. So I threw together a rough draft and released a short “booklet” to my students.

My second major project is producing educational videos. After attending a video production industry meeting, I got the idea to start producing my own educational videos. My thoughts are to produce short high quality videos. If they are good and short enough people will watch them until they learn the material. So far we have have recorded 20 episodes and released 6 videos. We are releasing a new one weekly. My YouTube channel is www.youtube/TapThatiOS These are short videos on how to use your iPhone and iPad. My goal is to eventually create some videos similar to C.G.P Grey

So what do I mean by taking my career to the next level? Well this is what this blog is about. Armed with my new degree, some great ideas, and few new creations, I plan to change my current career path.