And now for something a little different…

Over the last year, I have been doing some serious soul searching.  One thing I’ve learned is to try to find joy even in situations that cause me anxiety.  I’m doing my Masters in Education through the University of Victoria, two courses this semester, one which requires me to participate in ETMOOC and one which requires some really great reading.  I’m also taking an Anatomy Course from the University of Alberta.  I hit the ground running after Christmas break and have done my usual load of volunteering and visiting and walking (being without a car really adds to your day.  This isn’t a complaint, just a statement of fact!)  It feels once again that I’m on a treadmill that is speeding up and I’m not ready yet.  My dishes are still in the dishwasher (however they are clean), there is laundry in both machines and my bed is full of clothes, my yoga mat is still on the floor from this morning and I can’t find my ______ (this morning it was my glasses, they were propped on my head like a crown!)

One thing that really is important to me is music.  It calms me, it gives me a creative outlet, it helps me clean, it inspires me, it speaks to me like nothing else.  It gives me joy.  So if you want, please listen to this Silly Songs With Larry while you read my learning from the week.

1. I need to be on top of prioritizing the things in my life.  Correction, I relearned that.  I know this (pointing to head) but I need to know this (pointing to heart!)  Habits are hard to change.  Big rocks, pebbles, sand, water – in that order into the jar of life.

2. I need to get up and get ready for the day before I open my computer.  My mind is racing with things I NEED to do for the day, so I flit around the house and before I know it, its noon on a Saturday and someone is knocking on my door and I have no pants on!  On a daily scale, getting ready is a big rock.

3. I love this stuff.  I could get lost in it.  Connecting, reading other people’s ideas and thoughts, sharing and being inspired. If someone could pay me to research and send it to all the people I thought could benefit from it, I might do that job.

4. I need to have a purpose for learning.  I need to focus my learning because I need to be able to do something with it.  If I have too much to read or too many bookmarks to go back to, I don’t get to the heart of the matter. So hard for a person who loves it all, really I do, you don’t believe me, just ask how many things I’ve tried and don’t really care to master, I just wanted to try them. However sometimes you need focus, even just for a little while. (if you are like me check out this blog post by Tim Ferriss)

5.  We are all experts.  Denise Krebs inspired me with this introduction.  Although my thinking is evolving, I still need reminders that everyone has something to offer to the world.  EVERYONE! I know this (pointing to head) but I need to know this (pointing to heart!)  The only way to know if someone has to offer something to you and your learning or that you have something to offer others is to engage and OFFER it!  Don’t worry about what others will think, your thoughts, ideas, feelings, know-how, experiences will resonate with someone.  I guess helping students find and believe in their value means I have to believe in my own.

6.  Pa, Jr Asparagus, Bob and Peach are people I need in my life.  Pa points Larry in a direction so he doesn’t have to lament about his missing hairbrush.  Jr points out to Larry something he hadn’t thought of before.  Bob reminds Larry that sharing is a good thing.  Peach is grateful to Larry for his generosity, its nice to do good things.  (and it would be nice if someone could point me in the direction of my passport – I’m going to need it to get to Chicago in March – eek!)

7.  I need to get enough sleep and eat right!

Ok now where did I put that steak . . .