How Being Connected had Impacted my Classroom

World Influence

I totally love the above picture. I took this a few minutes ago from my wordpress statistics and it shows a map of everywhere in the world my blog has been read. Imagine…. that my thoughts have been shared with people on almost every corner of the globe. I first began my connected education journey less than a year ago.

Since becoming a connected educator I have:
-collaborated with colleagues to develop an online teacher training program
-established an international bookclub for a group of grade 3 students.
– Began a pen pal program between Japan, Canada and America.
– collaborated with colleagues to develop a number of google+ communities
-co-wrote Haiku Deck stories with students in my office
-participated in the DS106 Daily Create
-Completed 5 different MOOC`s
-Google Hung Out
-developed a number of different pinterest pages
-co-created the Canadian School Counsellor hash tag #cscchat
– Set up a meeting in Calgary from my desk in Japan
– created a number of Livebinders to help with my various teaching assignments, ESL, counselling etc..
-continued to connect with colleagues, family and students in Canada while living in Japan.
-Read countless blogs and tweets
-Taught myself basic Japanese using pod casts.

How has connecting impacted your classroom? I am interested in your ideas both as a form of celebration and inspiration.
