Twitter chat Storify: What does it mean to lead, in a networked enterprise?

I published a Storify of the May 20 Twitter chat What does it mean to lead, in a networked enterprise? that includes discussion (and resources) focused on the following questions:

Q1: Imagine we are in a business/organization that truly embraces enterprise social networks as key to success. As leaders in this organization are there things we should pay more attention to? Trust? Safety (safe to ask questions, for example)?

Q2: Now think about “leaders” at multiple levels – individual, middle, and top level executives. Do we need to develop any NEW leadership capabilities? Or do certain leadership capabilities become more important?

Q3: How should we think about our own online presence/voice when we take on formal leadership roles? What changes? What doesn’t?

Q4: Any final thoughts about today’s topic? New insights? New Ideas from tonight’s chat?

Filed under: Enterprise social networking, MSLOC 430, Technology Tagged: #esn, #msloc430, Enterprise 2.0, enterprise social networking, leadership