I have the best job in the whole world. This afternoon I was able to I support my students in sharing their passion for social justice . Our BCHS Youth Champions in partnership the Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Center developed the following PSA inorder to promote the power of a positive community.
While brainstorming our ideas, the group focused on the concept that people build confidence when they feel supported by others.
A big thank you to the BCHS Red Cards jazz ensemble who volunteered to perform for our skit. Ms Hedley and the drama department for letting us borrow the theater. Mr. Vizina for allowing us to access the Mac lab for editing. Our amazing school communities such: as the Mental Wellness team, Anime Club, Who’s Frank team, Youth Champions, Youth Volunteer Corps, and Spectrum for allowing us to use their photos. Our admin team, including our very own pink Elephant (aka principal) Mr. O’ Flaherty.
Mrs. Luong