Better Together: BCHS with the SKCAC

I have the best job in the whole world. This afternoon I was able to I  support my students in sharing their passion for social justice . Our BCHS Youth Champions in partnership the Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Center developed the following PSA inorder to promote the power of a positive community.…

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Aha Moments from ASCA15

School, this year, ended for me on June 26th. However, I was up bright and early on the morning of June 27th excited to be heading for Phoenix and the American School Counseling Association’s National Conference: Spice Up Your School Counseling Program #ASCA15.…

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Creating a Culture of Caring At Bishop Carroll

One of the best things about my job at Bishop Carroll, is empowering my students to create a positive change in the world. Over the past month I have been working with a student lead initiative called #CarrollCulture as a part of our recently established Spectrum Club.…

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Sharing: Unlocking the Key to My Filing Cabinet and Keeping it Open… HOPE


This blog is the beginning of me keeping my filing cabinet open. I have many resources I have wanted to share with school counsellors,but did not realize I could do it. This blog is how and the time is now thanks to the fantastic open sharing in ETMOOC and especially because of Alec Couros.…

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