Creating a Culture of Caring At Bishop Carroll

One of the best things about my job at Bishop Carroll, is empowering my students to create a positive change in the world. Over the past month I have been working with a student lead initiative called #CarrollCulture as a part of our recently established Spectrum Club.

Club Mission:

By bringing people together and spreading a message of love and acceptance for minority youth, Bishop Carroll High School’s Spectrum Club aims to educate and bring awareness to students while expanding our community of caring and school spirit.

One of the first initiatives we have undertaken was the establishment of an anti-slur campaign (influenced by the work at Duke University)

As a team we have developed a number of posters, which encourage our students to reflect on the type of language they are choosing to use.

We tweeted these out to our community with the following message:

How do you want to remember Bishop Carroll when you graduate? Tag your tweets with ‪#‎CarrollCulture‬ to show your cardinal pride!

The hope is that by modeling positive digital citizenship and behavior our group will continue to spread a positive message to the world.

argentina vos caleb zimmerman and dylan pidkowa carly lecocq

chase weibe christy thompson ciaran volke colby lindeburgdaryl molina (1) david bobyn emily schultz emma ross erin mcneil and kayla johnson hanna clarkivana falak and kira makuk janalynn abaya jenna swiatkowski jenny luca and sarah fehr jesse reed and laura vargas julia caddy kat gee kelly knights kennedy ryan lauren stclair patricia omenerachel hawkins and ben von muehldorfer sara czerwonka and claire hunter sarah zizek