Disconnected and Disengaged

The last month has been a whirlwind of becoming connected using technology.  Prior to January, the only social media/online media I was connected to was Gmail, Google Reader, Facebook, Skype and Pinterest.  Now, I have added Twitter, Diigo, Educreations, ETMOOC, Goggle +, Google hangout, LinkedIn and this additional blog. One of the main purposes was to build a personal learning network by connecting online to others with similar interests.  However, in the process of becoming “connected”, I feel very disengaged and disconnected from those that I need/should to be learning from.  Not only do I feel disconnected and disengaged from other learners, I feel the same way about the two courses that I am currently enrolled.  Am I missing something?

Today I struggle with the tasks that must be completed.  I am motivated to work on them but cannot seem to get my brain to drive the process.  So what am I to do?  Change the topic of a paper that I am struggling or continue to push myself through something that I am not enjoying.  I have chosen not to decide at this moment.  What I will do instead is to learn more about digital storytelling through ETMOOC in the archive section.

Until I post again, have a look at this video my son produced without instructions on how to use the app.  He even offered to show me how the new app worked.  He is an engaged learner comfortable with technology and can still feel connected to those around him.  It could be from his experience in Mrs. Soltau-Heller’s class and the work she has done with technology in the classroom.  Whenever I am learning something new with the iPad, Mrs. Soltau-Heller will say to ask my son since he knows how to do it.  So with that, here is my son’s first audio clip made at home.