Sharing and Inspiring

Sue Waters’ Learning Through Blogging post got me thinking about the purpose of bloggging.  There has been some discussion going on around me about this, since three of my colleagues and I are participating in the #etmooc and blogging through EDCI515 with @_valeriei.  Many of the comments have been about the people who blog.  There is a sentiment out there that all bloggers are doing so to gain recognition and are looking for someone to give them a pat on the back.  As someone who really wants to blog and do it with purpose, I was a bit offended by this, but I probed further.  The idea that you are just waiting for someone to comment on your blog and have more followers is appalling to one person in the discussion.  Which really got me thinking about my purpose for starting a blog.

I think it’s different than that.  I think having a blog, being on Twitter, or whatever social network you choose to engage in, is usually for a more positive human reason.  Connection. Relationship. Sharing. Inspiring.

George Couros talks about the Relationship building aspects of Twitter.  His experience in the twitisphere was a almost non-existent until it became deeply personal event that he shared which inspired people to connect with him.

Ben Aaron Gets Inspired and Shares is a video about encountering something/someone inspiring on the streets of New York City.  This video illustrates what happens when you become inspired about something and you share with your network.  Dance walking is now an international phenomenon, based on the inspiration and the video segment that followed.  Was this video uploaded for the purpose of starting a new fitness craze, probably not.  Was it shared for a purpose, one for the writer/creator and one for the audience, yes it was.  A positive purpose to share and connect.

Ben Aaron Inspires and Shares this is the end result of the first video.  I thought it interesting the creator felt a need to share with his original inspiration.  It is a circle of sharing and connection that is very easy to follow.  Ben Aaron gets inspired, shares, inspires others to participate or engage and shares again.  If that isn’t what we as humans are about!  Take in the look on Joe’s face when he sees all the inspiration he and the video have given.

I have been inspired by many of the introduction videos/productions/pieces that have been shared through #etmooc this past week.  As Sue points out in her post, she put blogging last intentionally.  She talked about commenting first.  If you want to be connected, you have to reach out.  I have tried to comment on a few of the introductions or blog posts to connect with people who are taking risks and trying something new and being lead learners and putting themselves out there.  Connection is what I’m geared towards, so it’s time to practice!

What is your purpose for blogging, tweeting, or participating in social media?