Reluctant Connector: Final Reflections on My First MOOC Experience via Independent Study

I went into my first MOOC as an adult learner unseasoned in the self-directed approach to learning. The idea that my learning is directed by me and not facilitator-centered is a concept I am gaining comfort with. I am still getting used to the idea that I must take ownership of my learning.…

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Digital Citizenship- A Timely Topic for Reflection

Reblogged from alisonsreflections:

Digital Citizenship has proven to be a very timely and relevant topic in my life. When I recently replayed the ETMOOC session on Digital Citizenship, I found it very interesting and pertinent. A few days after the session, I had planned to upgrade my Iphone and give my 13-year old, free-spirited, somewhat impulsive son my old Iphone.

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Thoughts on the Challenges and Opportunities of Modern Learning

Will Richardson’s MOOC session, “The Challenges and Opportunities of Modern Learning” got me thinking about where we are and where we need to be with technology in instruction.  I was engaged and interested in this session.

I am interested more in adult learning than K-12, however the ideas brought up in Will’s session were relevant to all learners and educators.…

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Who Do I Follow?

As I recently considered who to follow, I found myself reading blogs and getting more overwhelmed. I felt unfocused in my venture. However, as I sifted through the sea of blogs and skimmed and moved on, I found a commonality in the blogs I invested time in to read.…

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Blogging About Blogging

After tonight’s session, “Intro to Blogging” I feel much less intimidated and learned a great deal about the purpose of blogging. I now see blogging as yet another way to learn. By reflecting I am learning, changing how I think. By reading blogs I am learning, reflecting and changing how I think.…

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Reflections on My First MOOC Session

My first feeling upon logging onto Blackboard tonight was one of feeling lost. However, a few things that were shared brought me some hope that I would not stay in that feeling of being lost for long. It is necessary to reframe my perspective while participating in a MOOC as it is a very different learning environment than anything I could have imagined or experienced. …

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