etmooc 2-3-13

Bob Connor, who has spent his life in education, the last three and a half decades or more dealing with higher education management or think tanks, had the following to say about MOOCs: His viewpoint is very interesting because he comes from the most traditional part of the educational establishment (Ivy League Classics), and yet has often fostered new non-traditional approaches. 

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etmooc 2-2-13

I was very impressed with Ed Nagelhout’s blog, as I mentioned two blogs ago; however, I do want to point out that he has several webpages worth a look. Though they may not be in line with ETMOOC’s effort, still they are very well done, albeit with a more formal and structured approach, which I would prefer for the subject of grammar, for which see 

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awooley77 2013-02-01 20:55:58

Summary at end of week 3 of ETMOOC:

I have pondered on the question of what is the point of ETMOOC for me, and I have come to two conclusions.  First it is a way for me to get some experience with the so-called social media (web tools for social interaction: LinkedIn, Facebook- strangely not used by ETMOOC, but twitter, google+, wordpress, edublog, YouTube, TED,,…

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awooley77 2013-01-31 23:43:59

Well today I stumbled upon Ed Nagelhout’s blog in the Hub, in which he wrote on Philosophies. Moreover I noted that he was involved in teaching grammar,- English grammar. I was interested because it is rare that one is interested in both philosophy and grammar, as I can attest, since I am in the same boat.  …

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awooley77 2013-01-27 21:35:33

This did not make it into the hub listing and I want it there so I’m ‘updating’ it.

Today I came across Lisa Lane’s ( wonderful article on the 3 kinds of moocs based on network, task, or content and the provenance and the purpose of each. …

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Today one of the etmooc tweets on my gmail talked about Clay Shirky’s Cognitive Surplus: How the Internet turned Consumers into Collaborators.  This is an important book about which I have lots of caveats from an educational standpoint.  I agree in general with Tim Walker’s review in general on the rest. …

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Today I came across Lisa Lane’s ( wonderful article on the 3 kinds of moocs based on network, task, or content and the provenance and the purpose of each.  An excellent working hypothesis. I agree with Robert Maxwell’s comment (

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In my classroom just before retirement

In my classroom just before retirement

The Cilley Professor of Greek

I have had the email address for years, but now for the first time it is really appropriate and fitting, because I became 77 years old today.  If 7 is a lucky number, then 77 should be even more lucky; moreover the more savvy of the ETMOOC members will know that in the ASCII code 77 is the hexadecimal number for ‘w’ which is the initial of my surname, a letter that does not occur in Latin, but did in Greek even into the early archaic period.…

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This is my first post on  I am a week late getting started with #etmooc, because I have been out of town to go to the memorial of a colleague of 36 years.  I did start a page and ‘blog’ before on wordpress, but apparently I set it up incorrectly so there is no way to post entries. …

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