We are not alone

Just finished another etmchat and I am in awe! I am still amazed that I can be chatting with people on the other side of the world sharing and discussing the same problems and concerns. Etmooc has opened up a new world to me.…

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New habit = finding time

habit Loop

habit Loop

I’ve joined etmooc with my PLT (principal learning team). Our learning goal this year is to better understand what 21st century skills are, why they are important and how we as administrators create and support learning environments where students need and practice these skills.…

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And the learning continues…

Sunday seems to be my day to blog. There was much to absorb in etmooc this week it’s hard to know where to start. To keep with the mission of making learning visible I’ll share a few insights but give them to you in chunks so my blog is easy to follow and right to the point.…

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In the beginning….

Ok here I go….this is my first blog post. I really have no idea what I am doing. I want to learn how to use technology for learning so I jumped in to an online corse that will require me to use all kinds of technology I have never tried.…

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