Making my Garden Grow…..

When I learned that Dave Cormier was going to be lecturing on Rhizomes, MOOCs, and Making Sense of Complexity I have to admit that the first thought that popped into my mind was..

“What do rhizomes have to do with learning?”…

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Connection In a Self- Directed Learning Environment: Learning and Teaching in the Digital Age

What’s going on inside the building of Bishop Carroll is not only exciting, but innovative, educational and engaging. Not only are the halls of Bishop Carroll High School buzzing, but inside the offices of several educators learning is taking place.

Bishop Carroll High School is a part of the Canadian Coalition of Self- Directed Learning.

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Personal Learning Communities for Me

Last night I experienced my first successful blackboard collaborate session. I logged in half an hour early just to tinker around, I was a bit nervous… but once Alec prompted me (using my first name what a powerful tool) I felt that I could try some things out.…

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what am I willing to try

In my many years of business and life, I realize that there are quite a few things that separate the good from the great. But, if you asked me to pick only one reason why some are more successful than others, I would offer you this…your willingness to PERSEVERE.-…

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