IWitness for Digital Storytelling

On Twitter, I describe myself this way: “Educator. Learner. I strive to learn & find/create ways for others to learn, so they can create ways for others to learn, and so on… My views are my own.”

Wednesday I will present a webinar about digital storytelling for ISTE.…

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Meet CATIE; Help CATIE Grow

At the independent K-8 school where I work, I recently helped initiate a group called CATIE: Conversations about Technology Integration in Education.

In our first few meetings, we have taken valuable steps. For one thing, we have a working  mission: to establish a learning community of educators who will discuss ways to leverage technology integration in support of the school’s mission, vision, and strategic plans.…

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Wearing My Parent Hat

What is a school?

Is it a building or a location? Is it a group of people who teach and learn together? Is it an organization grouped around a unified philosophy of learning?

I work at a school I love, though I fumble about inarticulately when I try to explain why it makes me so happy.…

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Do Something

I learn a variety of things from #etmooc educators, but the other day one of them said something that really resonated:

Don’t feel guilty if you don’t do everything — only feel guilty if you don’t do anything.

Get me that as a tattoo.…

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Contagious Learning

My two children want to know why I want them to steer clear of water fountains and high touch museums right now, and I explain about the flu coursing through our communities, and how quickly things spread when we all share the same physical space.…

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